Murf AI

Convert any text to speech for free with our online text to speech service!

Murf AI Text to Speech

Free text to speech without login or sign up synthesize text and download in MP3.

0/500 test characters.

Why use our TTS service

Over 80 Languages, 660 voices available

What can you do with TTS?

Content Creation

Text-to-Speech makes your content more accessible.


Enhance visual experience such as speech-synchronized facial animation


Your contact centers can engage customers with natural sounding voices

Client Testimonial

Our products are loved by users worldwide

"This Text-to-Speech tool save my day and boost my business a lot..."

- James Curran General Manager

"This Text-to-Speech tool save my day and boost my business a lot..."

- James Curran General Manager

"This Text-to-Speech tool save my day and boost my business a lot..."

- James Curran General Manager

"This Text-to-Speech tool save my day and boost my business a lot..."

- James Curran General Manager

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